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Family Self Sufficiency (FSS)

Improving the Quality of YOUR Life by Achieving Economic Independence and Self-Sufficiency

What is FSS?
FSS is a program designed to assist families receiving governmental assistance to improve their economic situation and reduce their dependence on public assistance and welfare. This program is voluntary and open to all families receiving Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher assistance through the Walker County Housing Authority. The only requirements are a desire to become self-sufficient and a willingness to take the steps to make this happen .

How does the FSS Program work?
Head of Household enters into a Contract of Participation with the Walker County Housing Authority for five years. This contract contains an Individual Training and Service Plan that identifies the employment goal of the participant and outlines the activities and services necessary to achieve this goal. The FSS Program Director helps the family obtain the services listed in the plan.

Services provided:
The FSS Program Director can help you find the resources you need to become self-sufficient, including but not limited to:
- Job Training
- Child Care assistance
- Educational Programs (including GED and College Classes)
- Job, School, and Financial application assistance
- Transportation assistance
- Employment opportunities
- Counseling/Case management

The Escrow (Savings) Account
Once your rent increases due to an increase in your earnings, the amount of the increase will be placed in a savings account for you and your family. You will receive all of the money in your account, plus interest, when the FSS Contract is successfully completed. Successful completion of the contract includes suitable employment, 12 consecutive months free of TANF (temporary assistance to needy families) for at least the last 12 months of contract and all goals of contract are completed.

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